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Launching an enditnow campaign will help your church draw awareness to the issue of abuse, promote collaboration with the community to develop solutions, and help your church become a safe place for everyone. The official enditnow emphasis day is the fourth Sabbath in August, but can be held on any date convenient for your church. Join us to help end abuse, create safe churches, and help victims.

August 24, 2024, "Go Find My Sheep"

Both the Old and the New Testaments refer to God’s people as sheep, to the body of believers as a flock, and to our Lord as the Shepherd. More than ever, abuse victims need to know that Jesus cares about them. And that’s where we come in, says Joanna Daniel, author of the 2024 enditnow® sermon titled “Go Find My Sheep.” The Shepherd is looking for people to go in search of the lost. He is looking for people who will minister as He does. 

In the seminar titled “The Trauma-Informed Church,” Joanna Daniel tells us the trauma-informed church is aware of the impact trauma makes on the lives of members. The informed church operates with sensitivity, care, and compassion, making the environment safe for everyone to worship. She describes five ways the church can help traumatized people heal and find a community. They include an informed team, awareness of existing barriers, effective listening, preserved confidentiality, and continued support.

May God bless you, your teams, and every local church while you are preparing for the enditnow® Emphasis Day, August 24. May our congregations, with God’s help, become safe and caring places. May they become oases of Jesus’ love.

-General Conference Women's Ministries


1.   Word document with the scripts for sermon, seminar, and children’s story
2.   PDF with the scripts for sermon, seminar, and children’s story
3.   PowerPoint for Sermon
4.   Seminar: The Trauma-Informed Church


       Click here to order free resources on abuse prevention and response.

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